A Mentoring Project to Raise Motivated Migrants
Newsletter #2, December 2021
Migration isn't a one-directional process; it's a colossal process that has been happening in all directions for thousands of years.
Dear members of the network,
We are gladly sharing with you the progress of the RISING project.
As a short reminder, the RISING project consortium aims to assist the policies proposed by the EU regarding migrant integration and develop a program for better inclusion, based on direct interaction between people.
In the first period of this project, the focus was on collecting inspiring stories from individuals who successfully integrated into societies of European countries. The stories and resultant conclusions of this process have been gathered into a Booklet.
By the end of the project, the partners will build a structured course for increasing the number of migrant mentors and fostering a sustained integration of immigrants, followed by tools for monitoring the impact of mentoring.
All these actions desire to empower the migrants to reach a level of integration in the new community, so they can help other migrants in their inclusion process.
Both phenomena of immigration and emigration represent a reality visible in any country and all of us know persons who start a living abroad. Within the migration process, there are several types of social movements that explain this type of decision which can be voluntary or forced. |
The Rising Handbook
The pack of resources created will be used in the mentoring process by mentors when working with mentees to target their motivation and engagement. There are different types of activities that could be integrated during the mentoring process at various stages, from the beginning of the mentoring relationship where the two parties meet each other for the first time, passing through the evaluation of involved steps, until the last official mentoring meeting where the mentor and mentee reflect on the proces.
“What’s in the bag?” – is one of the icebreakers presented for the first stage of the relationship, when the mentors and mentees start to know each other.
“Two truths and one lie” – represents one activity that can be used during the mentoring session in the last period of the process, when both have already gathered information about each other.
We invite you to check our next newsletter and receive access to the Handbook.
- Fine-tune and publish the Booklet and the Handbook
- Build and design interactive tools for mentees’ uptake, as a way to better attract migrants into mentoring programs
Other initiatives implemented by the RISING partners |
The work done by the RISING partners for the integration of migrants exceeds this project and takes place on a national and transnational level. In this newsletter, we chose to present to you the project M4M, where our partners KMOP, San Giuseppe Onlus, and Aproximar are bringing their contribution to solving a pressing issue - migrant integration within the new communities. |
M4M - Migrants for migrants
Using the buddy system to foster the integration of asylum seekers into society
This project's intention is to promote the inclusion of migrants in their host communities by facilitating their empowerment and by creating links and sustainable contacts between refugee associations, social services, local administrations, and volunteer associations.
If we aroused your curiosity, we invite you to follow us on social media and check the RISING Handbook which will be published soon.
You will find it available in 7 European languages.
Don't miss our next announcements!
As the end of December represents for all the RISING partners and collaborators a period of joy, light, and celebration, we warmly wish you to have a life with peace and love.
Enjoy this period with an open heart and hope that things will get improved in the next year!
This newsletter has been designed within the RISING - Mentoring to raise motivated migrants project, Grant Agreement no. 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081815, implemented with the financial support of the European Commission by the Erasmus + Programme. |
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